HARDY May Be Saying ‘Quit’, But He Definitely Means the Opposite
I think I first heard the saying “success is the sweetest form of revenge” when I was a little boy. I’m not sure who to give credit to, but thank you.
Now we both know that we should never ever lean on revenge. Why not instead, if someone does you wrong or your plans don’t go your way, refocus quickly. Take a moment to examine what went wrong and why. Then, take action and make things right. Oh, and by the way, no matter your goal or which item you decide to tackle on your to-do list, do your best to stay positive. One of the things I tell myself often is, to expect great things to happen. If you are like me, you may say this to yourself dozens of times every day. No problem right? Do whatever it takes to get it done.
Today’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day comes from Country superstar Hardy. Hardy, one of our 2019 Stars & Guitars artists, is currently one of the hottest singer/songwriters in the world. Recently Hardy told a story from back in 2015. Before Michael Hardy was a confident and successful musician/songwriter, he often played bars for tips. At the end of one night’s show, as he was collecting his tips, he collected a napkin that someone at the bar had dropped into his tip jar. Obviously it was not a tip or was it? Written on the napkin were the sad words “QUIT!”
How would you react? We are all human and words can hurt and discourage us.
Hardy let that negative moment inspire him. And just a few days ago, Hardy released a song called “Quit.” Now, that’s how you take lemons and make lemonade.
What’s that saying again? Oh yes, “success is the sweetest form of revenge.”
Remember, God don’t make no junk. You are awesome! Now go be awesome.