Brainless Boneheads: Florida Man Arrested for Carjacking His Own Grandmother
Welcome to Brainless Boneheads! Every Friday, Don Chase & Sarah find some of the wildest, craziest stories out there to help kick off your weekend with a smile.
– Brainless Boneheads is a regular Friday feature from Don Chase & Sarah. Read more Brainless Boneheads here.
A Real Lowlife
You may have heard the line in a popular song “how low can you go?” From the “Sorry Florida” file, a man named Alan Aspinwall is in the news after doing the unthinkable. Aspinwall allegedly carjacked his own grandmother. This low-life shoved grandmother to the ground, then grabbed her car keys and took off. Later, I guess Aspinwall felt guilty and had a change of heart because he sat down and wrote his grandmother a letter of apology. He promised his granny that going forward, he would attempt to be a better person. She says she thinks alcohol was the reason for his terrible behavior.
The Easiest Arrest Ever
Up in Canada, a 42-year-old man was causing problems in a restaurant, disturbing customers while clearly intoxicated. He wouldn’t leave, so the police showed up and drove him back home. Well, the man was apparently not happy with that solution and decided to DRIVE HIMSELF over to the police station and DEMAND to speak to a supervisor! He was arrested pretty much on the spot for DUI.