Kick Butt Tip: Taking Small Steps Will Make You Better Every Single Day
From former NBA Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant: “At the end of every day when you look at yourself in the mirror you ask yourself, did I get better today? If the answer is yes and you do that for five years, for ten years, for fifteen years, how much better are you going to be? Are you getting better every single day? That is the question. It’s just taking small steps. You don’t try to get it all done in just one day or one week or one year. It’s the process of getting better every day and doing that for a period of years that then creates the masterpiece.”
Can you imagine wearing a Los Angeles Lakers uniform going into a practice session with a guy like Kobe Bryant? Talk about a vision for success! From Kobe Bryant “are you getting better every day?” That vision statement should motivate every member of the team. In my humble opinion, if having a teammate like Kobe did not motivate you, maybe you do not deserve to wear a Lakers uniform. I am not sure about you but, I’m fired up just reading those powerful words. Are you getting better every day?
Sadly, the life of Kobe Bryant was snatched away in 2020 when a helicopter crashed in Calabasas, California. The incident took the life of Kobe along with his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others who were aboard the aircraft.
Thank you Kobe Bryant for these special words. “At the end of every day when you look at yourself in the mirror you ask yourself, did I get better today?
Go get ’em tiger! God don’t make no junk. You, yes you are awesome! Now go be awesome!
– Don Chase’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day is a daily motivational feature designed to give you the inspiration you need to power through your day. Check out all the Kick Butt Tips here.