Scotty McCreery Proves It’s Never Too Late To Follow Your Dreams
From Country star Scotty McCreery, “it’s never too late to follow your dreams. Some people think it’s too late to follow your heart when you’re 30. That’s not true. You can chase your dreams at any age. You can wake up one day at 65 and say I’m gonna open that ice cream parlor I’ve always wanted to. There’s nothing stopping you.”
For many years now, every time I hear someone say they are too old or that it is too late, I remember the story of Ray Kroc. Ray Kroc is the man that made McDonalds a household name. What many people do not know is that Ray Kroc bought McDonalds when he was 52 years old. Now, for lots of people, at age 52, they may be thinking that their best years are behind them. Not for Ray Kroc. He was just getting started.
A while back I read the inspiring story of Nicola Griffin. Nicola is a mother to twin daughters and after they graduated high school and then college, she decided to pursue one of her dreams and goals of being a model. She got busy and later was featured in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.
Most recently, my wife Debbie suffered an on-the-job injury. In a huge turn of events that we never saw coming, the company she worked for eliminated her position. She decided at that moment to turn that negative into a positive. At 62 years of age, she went back to college and earned an Associate Degree in Business Administration and Marketing. Now, she has a new career direction and could not be any happier.
So, as you go through your day, remember the words of Country star Scotty McCreery, “it’s never too late to follow your dreams.”
Go get ’em tiger! God don’t make no junk. You, yes you are awesome! Now go be awesome!
– Don Chase’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day is a daily motivational feature designed to give you the inspiration you need to power through your day. Check out all the Kick Butt Tips here.