Pledge of Allegiance for March 09 – Alex at Eastover Central
The BIG 95.7 WKML is proud to present the Pledge of Allegiance every single weekday morning at 7 a.m. Today’s Pledge is presented by Alex at Eastover Central Elementary School….

(Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
(Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)The BIG 95.7 WKML is proud to present the Pledge of Allegiance every single weekday morning at 7 a.m. Today’s Pledge is presented by Alex at Eastover Central Elementary School. Thank you very much for helping us out. Listen below!
KML is proud to support the Red, White and Blue, and presents the Pledge of Allegiance daily thanks to our partners at Central Electric Membership Corporation. Check here to see all of our Pledge archive.
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Brainless Boneheads: Georgia Man Smuggles Cooked Chicken Wings Into Jail
Welcome to Brainless Boneheads! Every Friday, Don Chase & Sarah find some of the wildest, craziest stories out there to help kick off your weekend with a smile.
- Brainless Boneheads is a regular Friday feature from Don Chase & Sarah. Read more Brainless Boneheads here.
Bet He Won't Do That Again
Am I the only that has that little voice inside saying “don’t do that? So, when was the last time you played hide-and-seek and where was your “they’ll never find me here” place? According to CBS News, a teenager in Bangladesh was playing hide and seek when he chose a shipping container to hide in. Then the unthinkable happened he fell asleep and the shipping container got shipped. Six days later, without food or water, he was found. By the way, when he was found, he was over 2000 miles from home and in the country of Malaysia.
I Hope This Fowl Was Worth It
Let’s be real, chicken wings are delicious. Are they “smuggle into a jail and possibly increase my sentence” delicious? Eh, maybe not…..
45-year-old Michael Dixon in Georgia tried to sneak in not only drugs, cell phones, jewelry, and tools, but ALSO 3 dozen fully cooked CHICKEN WINGS! He’s now facing additional charges. I hope this fowl was worth it!