Runaway June Supports Maren Morris’ Playboy Photos 100%
Runaway June releases their first full-length album today (6/28), Blue Roses. The trio also talked about Maren Morris and the stir she’s been causing posing for racy shots in Playboy Magazine….

Runaway June releases their first full-length album today (6/28), Blue Roses.
The trio also talked about Maren Morris and the stir she's been causing posing for racy shots in Playboy Magazine.
Naomi Cook told us, "You know, Dolly Parton posed for Playboy, not topless but it may as well have been at the time. I do think that Playboy is sensitive to that type of thing and Maren looks very, very tasteful and sexy and appealing and I think it's a good look for Playboy. Sexy can be classy."
Jennifer Wayne adds, "And also she wanted to do it and good for her. I mean it's her body, her design, I mean I would never personally want to do that but that doesn't mean that I would look at someone like that and go, 'Oh she shouldn't have done it,' she's her own person and I think that's awesome that she doesn't care she's like, 'I'm doing this for me.'"
Maren herself told Playboy, "I feel I’ve already challenged a lot of sexual norms. It’s funny, because it’s not that risqué in the grand scheme of things."
-Nancy Brooks