I’m Not A Baseball Fan….But I Love The World Series.
Ok, I’m not a baseball fan. I don’t watch during the season. But I love the World Series. Weird I
I think it may be a couple of reasons. Firstly, and I’m really dating myself, but when I was in
Grade school, the series was played during daytime hours. Our gym teacher would
bring a TV set into the gym and instead of PT class, we got to watch the game during our normal
class time. I know, I know sounds like the dark ages right? The other reasons I love the World
Series Include: It’s in the fall and fall is my favorite season. Each game means something, which
is not really the case during the regular season. Plus my attention span is really short, but
Knowing that it’s only a maximum of 7 games, means I can actually handle it.
Seems like most experts are picking the Astro’s to win, but I don’t care. I just want to see some great baseball.
Randall C. Bliss