Minda Lou

Minda Lou

Minda Lou

What are you reading this summer?

The summer of 2024 promises a thrilling lineup of psychological thrillers perfect for beach book reading. These page-turners will keep you on the edge of your seat, whether you’re lounging by the pool or digging your toes into the sand.

These five psychological thrillers offer a range of settings, from the glittering world of the elite to the open ocean, making them perfect for any beach vacation. Whether you prefer revenge plots, con artists, or murder mysteries, these books will keep you captivated from the first page to the last.

So, grab your sunscreen, find a cozy spot on the sand, and prepare to be thrilled by the best psychological beach reads of summer 2024!

  • "Kill For Me, Kill For You" by Steve Cavanagh

    This fast-paced psychological thriller follows two women, Wendy and Amanda, who form an unlikely alliance to seek revenge against the men who have wronged them. As they delve deeper into their plans, they find themselves entangled in a web of unexpected twists and shocking revelations. Cavanagh’s masterful storytelling will keep you guessing until the very end.


  • "Stone Cold Fox" by Rachel Koller Croft

    Set in the world of the wealthy elite, this juicy thriller follows a woman who has conned all her life alongside her mother. Determined to leave that life behind, she decides to pull off one last con: landing herself the heir of one of the country’s wealthiest families. However, a friend hellbent on preventing this match turns it into a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse. Croft’s novel is a thrilling exploration of ambition, deception, and the lengths people will go to for love and money.


  • "The Lying Club" by Annie Ward

    Fans of “Big Little Lies” will devour this suspenseful read about revenge, webs of lies, and murder tied to an elite private school. Unraveled through the perspectives of three different women involved in the scandal, Ward’s novel is filled with high drama and shocking twists. It’s the perfect book to get lost in while soaking up the sun.


  • "First Lie Wins" by Ashley Elston

    This bingeable thriller follows a con artist who works for a mysterious boss. Her latest job has her playing girlfriend to a man she starts to feel a little too comfortable with. But when someone rolls into town claiming her actual identity and threatening her current job and future, the stakes are raised to dangerous heights. With short chapters and a well-paced plot, Elston’s novel is an ideal beach companion.

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  • "Five Nights" by Rachel Wolf


    Set aboard a glamorous new ship sailing from England to New York, this historical thriller follows Belle, who is aboard with her wealthy new husband and resentful adult stepchildren. She invites her estranged friend Emily to join her on the voyage for support. But on the second night, Emily receives threatening notes, and on the third night, someone dies. Halls’ atmospheric novel will transport you to the high seas for a journey filled with secrets and suspense.

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