Fayetteville Gas Update: It’s Not Exactly Good Right Now
Tuesday, we reported that panic buying was starting to impact some of the gas stations in the Fayetteville area. Well, they’re all definitely feeling the impacts now. As supply shortages…

Gas shortages across the East Coast have created a panic-buy situation, leading to outages at many stations across the region.
Photo by Sean Rayford/Getty ImagesTuesday, we reported that panic buying was starting to impact some of the gas stations in the Fayetteville area. Well, they're all definitely feeling the impacts now.
As supply shortages continue along the East Coast, drivers in our area are feeling the pinch as virtually every gas station in the area is showing as out of gas. Please note, that you should only be getting gas right now if you truly NEED to get gas. The shortage is not expected to last long. Save fueling opportunities for those who are first responders or critical workers for now.

GasBuddy is reporting some fuel at stations around the region, but the situation is changing quickly. Let us know in the box below if you're seeing gas in your area.
We've had our teams out watching for stations with fuel, and there are a couple. If you track along in the GasBuddy app, or at tracker.gasbuddy.com, you'll see which stations are currently showing fuel.
The Marathon station at 3607 Legion Road had guess at about 12:30 p.m., but also had a line of cars well down Legion Road waiting for it. The Circle K at 327 Chicken Foot Road had just received a fuel truck before 1 p.m. and had a few pumps open, with little wait. But with its proximity to Interstate 95, that likely won't last long.
As a reminder, while gas prices have gone up because of this, and availability is minimal right now, Colonial has reported that they are increasing supply for when the pipeline is back to full operation, and they do not expect the shortage to last long.
Are you seeing gas available at a station near you? Tell us in the box below so we can pass it along to our listeners.
Out on Fort Bragg, officials have put in place a 10-gallon maximum purchase per car or motorcycle. That's helped to alleviate some of the strain on post.