The Big Wake Up With Don Chase and Sarah

The Big Wake Up With Don Chase and Sarah

The Big Wake Up With Don Chase and Sarah

Mae Whitman, George Clooney, Michelle Pfeiffer and Alex D. Linz starred in "One Fine Day," a movie Sarah will never forget, but you might have.

There’s nothing better than a good comfort movie. And for me, some of the best 90s movies are probably ones you completely forgot existed at all.

There’s something about being in my 30s that makes me crave the simpler times. No cell phones. Dial-up internet. Playing in the yard for hours. And of course, getting your hands on a brand new movie. My sister and I used to be huge movie fanatics and it was always so exciting to decide what movies we were going to rent from Blockbuster! If you don’t remember Blockbuster… well, bless your heart.

I loved the days where we would gather in my Aunt’s living room and watch VHS tapes and DVDs. Seriously, we would sit there and watch the same movies over and over again. Or the days we came home from school and ran to our parents room to pop in the latest Disney movie. My sister and I were such a sucker for great 90s films! I think that’s why so many of those movies are special to me.

Not only was I spending time with my best friend, my sister, but I was absorbing the films and discovering my love of movies. To this day, I still feel like I get emotionally attached to movies. But they just don’t hit me in the same way they used to.

90s Movies Never Go Out of Style

In the 90s, there were cult classic films that didn’t do well until AFTER they were out of theaters. Or you had movies like Clueless that became so quotable you couldn’t get away from the impact of the movie. Sure there were “kid” films that I loved like Air Bud or Power Rangers. But I connected even more to 90s movies like Forrest Gump or A League of Their Own. The emotional complexities of those movies hit me so much harder than I ever imagined they could, especially since I was probably only 8 years old!

But that got me thinking about the 90s movies I miss watching today, or haven’t seen in a long time, that I almost forgot about! Some of my friends haven’t even heard of these movies! There were so many great movies in fact, that I bet a few on this list might surprise you as well. You may have even forgotten they existed!

Check out these five 90s movies that I’ll never forget, but you might have.

  • Bye Bye Love

    The ups and downs of divorce and dating from the perspective of 3 men. The cast in this movie is stacked! Matthew Modine, Randy Quaid, Paul Reiser, Janeane Garofalo and more! Plus it will put you right in your feels!

  • One Fine Day

    All you need to know is this movie stars George Clooney and Michelle Pfeifer. Who doesn’t love a good romcom with two beautiful stars?? This is one of my favorite rainy day movies.

  • The Truth About Cats & Dogs

    Janeane Garofalo makes the list again! And Uma Thurman joins her! This was one of my favorite movies to rent from Blockbuster! 2 friends, a handsome man, and impersonation- what more on-edge comedy and romance do you need?

  • Death Becomes Her

    How far are you willing to go to remain looking young and beautiful? Goldie Hawn, Meryl Streep and Bruce Willis star in this HILARIOUS movie! A favorite of mine.

  • Look Who's Talking Now

    John Travolta and Kirstie Alley star in this romantic comedy sequel. And for once, I think I love the sequel more than the original! Plus how can the inner commentary of a baby NOT be funny??

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