POLL: Valentine’s Day Gifts, Do You Like Practical or Passionate?
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and I want to know what kind of Valentine’s Day gift you prefer? Of course, when you hear the words Valentine’s Day our minds unusually jump to the standard chocolates, roses and 7 foot stuffed teddy bears (who keeps buying those?!). But love languages are getting a lot of buzz and turns out, not everyone is down with the old stand-by gifts.
Case in point, instead of roses one year my valentine hired a lawn service for me to lighten the load on me as a single working mom. That gift meant so much to me! It truly was the gift that kept on giving. That act of a service was perfect and memorable.
So, what kind of gift would you truly appreciate this Valentine’s Day?
Roses or your car detailed?
Chocolates or a gift card for a house cleaning service?
A giant stuffed animal or some handy man services?
That’s not to say you can’t be practical and romantic at the same time! You can certainly deliver a housecleaning gift card with some chocolate for a Valentine’s Day gift she will brag to her friends about for years to come!