The 2024 Bladen County Aim For A Cure Is This Saturday
Bladen County, North Carolina, the seventh annual Aim For A Cure is happening this Saturday.
This annual and very popular archery event takes place Saturday, May 4, 2024 at Allen Brothers Outdoors, 3028 Cabbage Road in Bladenboro, North Carolina.
With the month of May ALS Awareness Month, the purpose of this event is to raise money to hopefully find a cure for ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Many people refer to ALS as Lou Gehrig’s disease.
If you know anything about ALS, you know it is one of the saddest diseases because not only is the diagnosis a fatal disease, but prior to death, the affected person’s body eventually stops working. However, the mind is not affected.
How terrible would it be to be totally aware of everything, but not able to walk to talk to communicate in any way? Over five thousand people are diagnosed with ALS every year. Dr. Richard Bedlack said in 2019, that after an ALS diagnosis, on average you live about three years.
On a positive note, Dr. Bedlack says he is aware of some patients that went through a reversal of their disease.
To participate, the cost is only $20 per shooter.
Let me take a moment to salute Alex Daniel, his family and many friends for organizing the Bladen county aim for a cure back in 2017. For those wondering, aim for a cure is recognized as a 501 (c)3 charitable organization.
A big Thank You for supporting the The 7th annual Bladen County Aim For A Cure Archery event this Saturday, May 4th at Allen Brothers Outdoors, 3028 Cabbage Road in Bladenboro, North Carolina.
For more information, click here for the Bladen Aim For A Cure Facebook page.
You can also call (910) 876-3071 or if you prefer, send an email to [email protected].
Show up with your family friends this Saturday and let ALS know that Bladen County has its sights set on helping to find a cure.