Sarah’s Dad Turns 75! A Special Tribute
The end of February marks a really special and important time for my family. Our patriarch, my dad, Jim, is celebrating his 75th birthday!
I truly understand how blessed we are as a family to have my dad and to have so many years with him. I know not every one is so lucky.
It’s hard to wrap into words just how important my dad is to me. His voice of reason is always in the back of my head, forever teaching me. He’s the smartest man I know and always reminds me that knowledge is something no one can take from me.
He will forever beat me in a game of Cribbage. And even when I think he’s cutting me a deal in Monopoly, he always comes out the winner.
My dad is steady. He’s my rock. I know I can turn to him for anything whether it be advice, car recommendations, investment opportunities, or just to shoot the breeze.
Like most fathers, he was tough on me when it mattered most. He taught me lessons. He pushed me to be better. He urged strongly for me to live up to and exceed not only his expectations, but for me to raise my own expectations of myself in the process.
There is no relationship quite like that of Father and Daughter. I know that no matter how old we both get, I will always need him, and he’ll always see me as his little girl.
One of my favorite compliments to receive is “You are your father’s daughter,” (even if it’s not meant as a compliment! HA!) And nothing fills up my heart more than when he says, “I’m proud of you.”
Truth is, I’m proud to be his daughter. I’m grateful for all the time I have with him. And while I know I won’t get 75 more years, I’m going to continue to be thankful for every day.
Happy 75th Dad. I love you.