Lisa Rinna: What People Think Of You Is None Of Your Business
Today’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day comes from TV host and actress Lisa Rinna. “What people think of you is none of your business.”
Lisa credits that great advice from her TV star husband Harry Hamlin.
Lisa says “it’s very difficult. Let’s just face it. Social media is a double edge sword and Harry, who is not on social media and has no connection to any of that world, always says to us, because he can see where we’ve seen something that is very unsavory and mean, he says what other people think of you is none of your business.”
Lisa also says “that she and Harry have tried to teach that advice to their girls. But quite honestly sometimes taking Harry’s advice is a lot easier said than done.” Lisa said “we see stuff like this on a daily basis. There’s mean stuff out there constantly. And so I think that it’s really tough for the girls and the kids and the teenagers are growing up during this time. It’s horrifying.”
I don’t have any concrete proof but I am betting one of the most effective ways to handle bullies on social media is just to ignore them. There’s also ways to unfollow. troublemakers and agitators on social media platforms. Sometimes you just have to cut people out of your life in real life or online. That’s not easy to do of course, but sometimes it’s necessary. We have to do things for ourselves sometimes, right?
I think it is beyond sad that there are people out there that get their jollies off by saying hurtful things to people. The next that happens, just pull out your imaginary scissors and clip clip clip those people out of your life.
Also remember this. Just because someone makes a statement, doesn’t make it true or right. Some never miss a chance to share their opinion no matter how hurtful it is.
Share Your Positivity
Please do not ever be this type of person. Be someone who builds others up. Be the person who encourages others. After all, you get back in return what you sow. What people think of you is none of your business. It is just their opinion.
Go get ’em tiger! God don’t make no junk. You, yes you are awesome! Now go be awesome!