To Those In Uniform Thank You
As I sit here on an early Sunday morning, the first news story I see is “Another Firefighter Dies In Australian Wildfires.” How sad. Blessings for the families involved. That headline made me reflect on my short time as a volunteer firefighter. When the alarm sounds, you and your fellow firefighters go and you do what you were trained to do. Never once do you give thought as to how dangerous the situation might be. You are there to save lives and property. Some reports are blaming these wildfires on climate change. The fact is, these fires were intentionally set by an arsonist. That fact takes sad to an entire new level. How could anyone be so cruel as to start a fire putting lives and property at risk? Think of our military families who have loved ones deployed around the world. I am sending very special thoughts and prayers that these families will be reunited soon. Please let me take just a moment and say thank you to those that put on any type of uniform and perform a service. Military, law enforcement, emergency services, public safety, security, sanitation, housekeeping, utilities, medical, dental, food service, airlines, athletics, mechanics, technicians and lifeguards. I am sure that I forgot a few and I apologize. Let us join together and say thank you so very much for the very important job you do.