Kick Butt Tip of the Day for August 30 – Trust Your Gut
Dustin Lynch told that he wishes he would have listened to his gut more during the early part of his career. “I wish I could go back and tell myself to trust your gut when it comes to your artistry. I was listening to a lot of outside influences back then. I should have been standing up for myself. I think everybody probably has regrets creatively along the way, like, “Dang it! We should have done that,” or “I should have gone back in and re-recorded that.” That’s the advice I’d give myself and everyone: If your gut doesn’t like something, it’s probably a bad idea.”
– Don Chase’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day is a daily motivational feature designed to give you the inspiration you need to power through your day. Check out all the Kick Butt Tips here.