Kick Butt Tip: From Actress Jennifer Aniston ‘Be Grateful’
Today’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day comes from actress Jennifer Aniston. Be Grateful.
Aniston said, “you have to understand, when you have nothing to compare it to and you just get to go to work and you see so many of your friends are not working. I am just grateful to be working and to be able to explore other things and not just sit back and just wait for what’s handed to you.
I personally don’t have any concrete data to lean on, but I am very confident in my thinking that if human beings chose to spend more time focusing on the positive in their lives, life would be much more pleasant.
Instead of wasting time worrying about things that we cannot control, what if we spent time on what we can control?
For those that envy how much money one makes, or how nice of a car the neighbor drives or how awesome a relatives home is compared to yours, what if you refocused and started a daily ritual to be grateful of what you already have?
How To Be Grateful
If you are asking yourself, how do I be more grateful, I have a couple of tips for you.
First, remember that being grateful is a process. I would recommend buying a journal or composition book. Then, find a writing instrument that you enjoy. I am currently using a roller ball type pen with a bold tip and I have to tell you, I like it a lot.
After securing these basic items, make a daily appointment to journal. My two favorite times are really early in the morning and right before going to bed. For me, the morning meeting with myself is a very short five to ten minutes. My focus is on my daily agenda and priortizing what must get done. My evening session is a bit longer because I am recapping and documenting my day and jotting down all of the positive things that took place today.
Without a doubt, I am one thousand percent more grateful today that I was a year ago. It has made a huge difference in my life.
Let me share a link that may be helpful in teaching yourself to be more grateful. Click here for the article.
Remember, this process may take a few days or a few months before it becomes a natural part of your day.
Stick with it. I promise it will be worth it.
Go get ’em tiger! God don’t make no junk. You, yes you are awesome! Now go be awesome!