Practicing Gratitude
Pump the brakes!! Before rushing into Christmas, let’s not forget our friendly little November holiday called Thanksgiving!
Why this holiday is constantly overlooked is beyond me! Good food, football, family, friends, and gratitude – what more do you need?
One practice that I’ve started this last half of the year (and that I encourage you to start as we dive into November), is making a list everyday of what I’m grateful for. To make it easy, I went out and bought a journal and placed it right on my bedside table. Every night I reflect on my day and write down at minimum 3 things I’m thankful/grateful for.
Now I’ll be honest, some days it can be a real stretch to come up with 3. I find them being simple things like “Grateful for a roof over my head”. But to be honest, it’s those tough days that remind me how grateful I SHOULD be for the simple things. The moon, the sun on my face, the ability to see and speak and hear, a car that works, etc. This gratitude journal has helped me find the good in every day, whether it be big things or little things. I found I was writing “Grateful to FaceTime my parents” – instead of ruminating on how sad I was to not physically be with them.
We celebrate all we’re thankful for on just one Thursday in November, but why not celebrate what we’re thankful for every day of the year? I guarantee if you take my advice and start that gratitude journal, and truly make a point to write in it every day, you’ll not only become a happier and more positive person, but you will truly see the good in every day!