Brainless Boneheads: 77-Year-Old Florida Man Busted For Selling Viagra
Welcome to Brainless Boneheads! Every Friday, Don Chase & Sarah find some of the wildest, craziest stories out there to help kick off your weekend with a smile.
– Brainless Boneheads is a regular Friday feature from Don Chase & Sarah. Read more Brainless Boneheads here.
Habitual Drug Dealing
My headline of the day: 77-Year-Old Man Was Arrested. Why? You’re not going to believe it. From the “Sorry Florida” file, Reginald Kincer thought he had the perfect money-making plan. Order Viagra, sell Viagra and make lots of moolah. Investigators are trying to find out how Reginald was able to order over $1,800 of the E.D. drug without a prescription. By the way, Reginald has a criminal record involving illegal drugs from the year 2020. Police arrested Reginald and charged him with drug trafficking. He could be fined $10,000 along with prison time. According to it’s not his first drug arrest. He’s got a history of some problems.
Where Not To Hide From Police
If you’re running from the police and are prepared to face a stand-off, you MIGHT want to be careful of where you decide to hold it down. Up in our neighboring Canada, an armed suspect fled a scene after shots were fired. Of all places, he decided to go into a PORTA-POTTY along the side of a road… After 20 minutes inside the stinky toilet, he emerged. The investigation is on-going and there is no official word on his condition.