Kenny Chesney Says Bruce Springsteen Told Him ‘Don’t Miss Your Life’
Our Kick Butt Tip for Today comes from Country music superstar Kenny Chesney and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member Bruce Springsteen.
In a recent interview, Kenny said that after playing a show in the Garden State of New Jersey, he and “The Boss” Bruce Springsteen were sitting on his bus talking.
During the conversation, Kenny says that Springsteen shared some really good advice. He said, “Kenny, you can write half a song on a piece of paper, and you can put that piece of paper away in a drawer for five years, and you can go back to it, and that song will still be there. But life isn’t like that. And whatever you’re doing, don’t miss your life, too.”
Kenny said that at the time, Springsteen’s advice really hit him hard and not only made a difference at that time but continues its impact to this day. Kenny realized that music has been the number one thing in his life for many many years and that had to change.
For me, the old saying, are you making a living or are you making a life comes to mind.
So why not starting today, let’s accept Bruce Springsteen’s advice through Kenny Chesney and live our life. Don’t take the chance on missing out on anything. If it’s somewhere that you have never visited, go. If it’s a movie that you’ve never seen before, find a way to see it. Make a list of your dreams and goals and then take action.
Here is an example of taking action. My neighbor has wanted new Christmas decorations for years. Earlier this month, he decided to take action and place the order. He is a much happier man these days.
As Nike says, “Just Do It.”
Remember, as you navigate this beautiful day, God don’t make no junk. You are awesome, now go be awesome!
– Don Chase’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day is a daily motivational feature designed to give you the inspiration you need to power through your day. Check out all the Kick Butt Tips here.