Singer Michael Buble: ‘Rich Is Not What You Think’
Let me ask, what is most important to you? Is it your family, friends, your hobbies or your career? Where does your value lie?
Today’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day is from singer/songwriter Michael Buble. “Rich is not what you think it is. That word rich that your friends use, rich sounds like money and stuff and things. The Lamborghini’s and tickets to go see Messi. That’s not rich. Rich is having a strong faith. Rich is having a great family and loving your family. Rich is having great friendships. The people that I know that have the most stuff are the most miserable people I know. I don’t know how else to explain it. You know. It’s easy for someone to watch this podcast and say, that’s easy for you to say Buble. You know, you got a bunch of stuff. But it doesn’t take long to realize that life is not the new stuff. We’re all sitting on that death bed and we’re all gonna die. Every single one of us and nobody looks back and says, I wish I could have collected the most stuff.”
You may have heard the saying, “you have never seen a hearse towing a U-Haul.” The fact is, that we brought very “stuff” into this world and we will take even less “stuff” with us when we leave it.
May I challenge you to this exercise. Find a quiet place and take out a pad of paper along with your favorite writing instrument. On your pad of paper, begin making a list of all that you have to be thankful for. For some, this exercise sounds cheesy. For the rest of us, this challenge reminds us of things we often take for granted. For me, losing my eyesight or my mobility would be difficult to comprehend. What kinds of things would make your list?
In today’s Kick Butt Tip above, Michael Buble mentioned that no one looks back and wishes they had more stuff. I totally agree.
While writing this story, I got a little curious about statements people made right before they passed away. Just click here for that list.
Now, go have an incredible day!