Kick Butt Tip: Worry Is Just Wasted Time and Energy
Today’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day is from comedian and tv star Jerry Seinfeld.
“Everything that you’re worried about is going to be gone just like that. The people that are criticizing you, they’re going to be gone. You’re going to be gone. All of this hand ringing, worry and concern over how people are viewing me, it’s all wasted time and energy. Sometimes someone says something bad about you and you get so upset about it. That is just a waste of time and energy. Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius says your only focus should be on getting better at what you’re doing. Focus on what you’re doing. Get better at what you’re doing. Everything else is a complete waste of time.”
Now, if you are you wondering what superstar Jerry Seinfeld does to get better and make the most out of every day of his life? Seinfeld says meditation is the key. Seinfeld says that he meditates twice every day and sometimes more.
Seinfeld says he has three keys to a successful life: (1) Transcendental Meditation, (2) lift weights and (3) Espresso.
Seinfeld does not describe step-by-step how and where he meditates every day, but I have an idea.
This is what I do. First, I silence all of my devices (cell phone, tablet, desk computer, laptop computer, etc.) Then I find a quiet and comfortable place. For me the front seat of my car with the seat laid back is a great spot. I begin by normally breathing. The key is to focus on your breathing. Visualize the air going into your mouth, down your windpipe, into your lungs, see your lungs expanding, feel your belly rise with each inhalation. As you exhale, do the same in reverse. See and hear the air leaving your body. Do this one breathing exercise as long as you can. On day two, three, four, forty-four, repeat.
Now, the first time you meditate, do not expect instant success. This procedure will take practice. For me, calming my busy mind was a major obstacle. Only after focusing exclusively on my breathing, did I find success.
If you have never tried meditation, click here for a link that will help you get started.
Go get ’em tiger! God don’t make no junk. You, yes you are awesome! Now go be awesome!
– Don Chase’s Kick Butt Tip of the Day is a daily motivational feature designed to give you the inspiration you need to power through your day. Check out all the Kick Butt Tips here.